Mom Psych

Teen Issues


Brainstorms: The Teenage Brain Podcast

Edge Conversation: Sarah Jane Blakeman on the Adolescent Brain

Zur Institute: The Major Issues Facing Teens

Mother to Son Relationship Key to Emotional Development

Father-Daughter Attachment Affects Communication in Future Relationships

AACAP: Normal Adolescent Development

National Institute of Health, US Gov: Teen Violence

CNN: Interrupting the Cycle of Teen Violence

Science Daily: Teen Health News






Teen Pregnancy Rates Decline Dramatically

Rates are decreasing, but "mission not accomplished" as the National Campaign notes. The United States still has higher rates (about 3 in 10 girls) than other industrialized nations.


National Campaign



















































Bill Albert Interview: Teens, Parents, and Teen Parents

Bill Albert is chief program officer for the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, a private nonprofit, nonpartisan organization in Washington, D.C. In May of 2008, Gina Stepp spoke with him about teen pregnancy and the complex associated issues.

Teen Pregnancy: The Tangled Web

What are the issues involved in the tangled tale of teenage pregnancy?

Stork Realities

As parents and teachers know (but many teens don’t), parenthood is not all fun and games and cuddly babies who chortle happily in their prams. How can parents explain the "stork" reality to their teens?



Press materials provided by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy.

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